CAI - Crown Acquisitions Inc.
CAI stands for Crown Acquisitions Inc.
Here you will find, what does CAI stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Crown Acquisitions Inc.? Crown Acquisitions Inc. can be abbreviated as CAI What does CAI stand for? CAI stands for Crown Acquisitions Inc.. What does Crown Acquisitions Inc. mean?The United States based company is located in New York, New York engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of CAI
- Comités Antiimperialistas
- Central American Indian (Other)
- Confederation of Aerial Industries
- Computer Assisted Instruction
- Cubic Applications, Inc
- Community Associations Institute
- Cairo, Egypt
- Community Associations Institute
View 169 other definitions of CAI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CSI Core Sound Imaging
- CES Cap Enterprise Solutions
- CCHL Cedar Care Homes Ltd
- CSI Creator Shadow India
- CGIIS CGI Information Systems
- CPR Covet Public Relations
- CSVMS CSV Midstream Solutions
- CCP Charter for Compassion Pakistan
- CGS Control Group Services
- CPE Center for Planning Excellence
- CEN Central European News
- CCCC Church of Christ Care Center
- CCM Corporate Claims Management
- CIC Communication Infrastructure Corp.
- CSC Cambridge Seminars College
- CPDPL Chemist Pos Direct Pty Ltd
- CCL Complete Childcare Ltd
- COEDC Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission
- CDI Creative Design Interiors
- CPC Central Presbyterian Church